MinTech, Your Key to the Future of Digital Art

Experience the Future of Art Collecting with our NFT Bot - Discover, Collect, and Trade Unique and Authentic Digital Assets on the Blockchain.

MinTech Software Interface

Boosting the Future of Blockchain.
All You Need is MinTech to Succeed


Unlike any tool
you’ve used before

Unlimited Tasks

Fully scale your setup without limitations on every release, to improve your chances of minting!

MinTech Desktop application

Stay up to date

Last second updates? Don't worry, you can update directly from within the software and be ready to make the most of our new features and improvements.

Manage your
DeFi Investments

Monitor and manage your DeFi investments with the "DeFi Investments" feature.
Stay informed, track performance, and make informed decisions for your portfolio.

Dashboard. Monitor and manage your recent activities

NFTs. List and sell your NFTs on multiple platforms simultaneously.

Utilities. Discover our tools to maximize your profits.

Proxies. Organize and test your proxies, quickly and efficiently.

Wallets Efficiently distribute, monitor, and manage your funds.

Settings Customize your software freely and intuitively.

Release Tracking

Keep tabs on upcoming releases effortlessly and set up tasks with just one click. No more manual work, so you can stay organized and ready for action!

24/7 Dedicated Support

Need Asistence? Experience Uninterrupted Assistance: Our 24/7 Support team is ready to help you with any issues you may encounter.


Be Ready to Dominate
The Ethereum Blockchain

Dominating NFT drops with ease
Never miss out on an opportunity again.

Flip Mode

Experience the power of Mintech - mint your NFTs swiftly in the first block with minimal gas costs. Join the forefront of NFT minting and enjoy the thrill of low-cost success.

Merkle / Signature Mode

Sit back and relax as our expert development team takes charge of all your requested signature/whitelist drops, no matter how complex. With us, you'll have the best possible experience, allowing you to confidently mint your target releases!

Bundle NFTs

The only automation who is able to successfully bundle you into block 0 with cheap gas fees using our special bundling feature - no more missing out on NFT releases.

Manage Your NFTs
With a few clicks!

Streamline your NFT portfolio effortlessly
Easy management with just a few clicks using MinTech.


Instantly view the rankings and rarities of any collection. Ideal for showcasing your NFTs and sniping all the rares in style.

Marketplace Lister

List your NFTs after a successful mint with a few clicks on all your favourite marketplaces. Never miss an opportunity to maximize your profits. Elevate your trading skills to become a top trader in no time!

NFT Transfer

Quickly move all your NFTs from various wallets to your chosen wallet in no time, saving gas with our optimized contract.

The best automation software in Web3
Supporting all your favourite platforms and blockchains.

Unparalleled performance
No matter the blockchain or platform, MinTech does it all.




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Grab the Best Experience
For the best price

Take a look at our Pricing Plans

0.15 ETH / month

0.4 ETH / 3 months

1.5 ETH / year


Something is not clear?
Check our FAQ

Which operating systems does MinTech support?
MinTech is compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems, allowing users on either platform to utilize its functionalities.
How much does the subscription cost?
The subscription, which includes all the mentioned features, is priced at 0.15 ETH per month. This subscription provides users with unrestricted access to the entire suite of automation capabilities.
What does the subscription include?
The subscription offers comprehensive access to a range of powerful automation features, enabling users to utilize the following functionalities:
  • - DeFi Managament
  • - Raffle Automation
  • - NFT Minting Automation with Signatures
  • - Merkle Proof Support
What happens when my license key expires?
If your license key reaches its expiration date, don't worry; it won't be automatically deleted. You have the flexibility to renew your license whenever you want.
How can I purchase the software?
To acquire the software, you can make your purchase through our partner
How can I contact MinTechBots?
You can contact us through our Twitter handle: @MinTechBots or via discord tickets . These communication channels allow you to ask questions, seek support, and stay updated with out latest announcements.

Please note that this FAQ provides a high-level overview of the software and its features.
For more detailed information and technical specifications, refer to the official gitbook documentation or contact customer support.